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Summer 2013 Psychology 930: Make Friends with SAS

Note: these files are in compressed (.zip) folders. They will need to be extracted before they can be used.



Course Materials

1 6/10 Day 1 Lecture Files: SAS Data Manipulation
Day 1 Activity Files   Day 1 Answer Key
2 6/11 Day 2 Lecture Files: Working with Variables in SAS
Day 2 Activity Files   Day 2 Answer Key
3 6/12 Day 3 Lecture Files: Increasing Efficiency with ARRAYS, LOOPS, and MACRO Programs
In-Class Activity: Begin Final Exam Part 1
4 6/13 Day 4 Lecture Files: Exporting SAS Output and using PROC GLM
In-Class Activity: Begin Final Exam Part 2
    Download the Final Exam files here
All Final Exam files are due via email by June 21, 2013 by 11:59 PM

Course Pre-Requisites and Objectives:

Absolutely no SAS knowledge is expected or required. The course will cover how to use SAS to manipulate data (import, export, merge, restructure), create new variables, control SAS output, work with PROC GLM, and increase efficiency for all of the above using arrays, DO loops, and macro programming.

Course Requirements:

Course performance will be evaluated through a final cumulative assignment relying on concepts illustrated and practiced in class. Final grades for Psychology 930 will be determined by the completeness of the final exam, due via email June 21, 2013 by 11:59 PM. Participants are welcome to submit early and receive feedback before the deadline in order to revise their assignment. If no final assignment is received by this deadline, no grade will be submitted.

Academic Honesty:

As a reminder, the University has a policy on academic honesty (see the Graduate Studies Bulletin).

Accommodating Disabilities:

Any student in this course who has a disability that may prevent him or her from fully demonstrating his or her abilities should contact me as soon as possible, so that we can discuss accommodations necessary to ensure full participation and facilitate your educational opportunity.

Recommended Links and Texts for SAS:

UCLA Statistical Computing Website (all kinds of examples in every program)
SAS help with string functions
Online SAS Documentation
Delwiche, L.D., & Slaughter, S.J. (2008). The little SAS book: A Primer (4th Ed.). Cary, NC: SAS Institute.
Cody, R.P., & Smith, J.K. (1997). Applied statistics and the SAS programming language. Prentice Hall.
Burlew, M.M. (2007). SAS macro programming made easy (2nd Ed.). Cary, NC: SAS Institute.